BasiCO Documentation
BasiCO is a simplified interface to using COPASI from python. It is a collection of utility python scripts, that hide the complexity of the underlying SWIG generated language bindings.
- Accessing Models from the database
- Creating and simulating a simple model
- Getting and setting reaction parameters and reactions
- Editing reaction kinetics
- Parameter Estimation
- Parameter estimation setup
- Parameter Estimation (import / export)
- Optimization
- Simple simulations and plotting
- Simulating a model with basico
- Simulating with custom results
- Parameter Scans
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Working with arrays of Compartments
- Using callbacks
- Working with Plots
- Working with Reports
- Working with SBML Ids
- Working with Annotations
- Working with
- Working with PEtab
- Model Selection
- Working with Parameter Sets
- Profile likelihood
- Metabolic Control Analysis
- Working with Widgets
- Retrieving all Task / Method Settings
- Linear Noise Approximation