Retrieving all Task / Method Settings
This notebook, lists all the settings available for all the tasks available. To change the settings the approach is
find all the methods available for a task using
(added in basico 0.77)retrieve the current settings using
change the the task by specifying a different method using
set_task_settings(task, settings={'method': {'name': name}} )
retrieve the new method parameters using
The print_task_info
function below does that.
from basico import *
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
import json
def print_task_info(task: str):
display(Markdown(f"### {task}"))
method_names = get_valid_methods(task)
display(Markdown(f"**Valid Methods**"))
for name in method_names:
display(Markdown(f"- {name}"))
settings = get_task_settings(task)
problem = json.dumps(settings['problem'], indent=4)
display(Markdown(f"```python\n {problem}\n```"))
for name in method_names:
display(Markdown(f"#### Method: {name}"))
set_task_settings(task, settings={'method': {'name': name}} )
settings = json.dumps(get_task_settings(task)['method'], indent=4)
display(Markdown(f"```python\n {settings}\n```"))
Without further ado, here all the tasks and their method settings currently availble:
for task in T.all_task_names():
Valid Methods
Enhanced Newton
"JacobianRequested": true,
"StabilityAnalysisRequested": true
Method: Enhanced Newton
"Resolution": 1e-09,
"Derivation Factor": 0.001,
"Use Newton": true,
"Use Integration": true,
"Use Back Integration": false,
"Accept Negative Concentrations": false,
"Iteration Limit": 50,
"Maximum duration for forward integration": 1000000000.0,
"Maximum duration for backward integration": 1000000.0,
"Target Criterion": "Distance and Rate",
"name": "Enhanced Newton"
Valid Methods
Deterministic (LSODA)
Deterministic (RADAU5)
Stochastic (Gibson + Bruck)
Stochastic (Direct method)
Stochastic (τ-Leap)
Stochastic (Adaptive SSA/τ-Leap)
Hybrid (Runge-Kutta)
Hybrid (LSODA)
Hybrid (RK-45)
SDE Solver (RI5)
"AutomaticStepSize": false,
"StepNumber": 100,
"StepSize": 0.01,
"Duration": 1.0,
"TimeSeriesRequested": true,
"OutputStartTime": 0.0,
"Output Event": false,
"Start in Steady State": false,
"Use Values": false,
"Values": ""
Method: Deterministic (LSODA)
"Integrate Reduced Model": false,
"Relative Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-12,
"Max Internal Steps": 100000,
"Max Internal Step Size": 0.0,
"name": "Deterministic (LSODA)"
Method: Deterministic (RADAU5)
"Integrate Reduced Model": false,
"Relative Tolerance": 0.0001,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Max Internal Steps": 1000000000,
"Initial Step Size": 0.001,
"name": "Deterministic (RADAU5)"
Method: Stochastic (Gibson + Bruck)
"Max Internal Steps": 1000000,
"Subtype": 2,
"Use Random Seed": false,
"Random Seed": 1,
"name": "Stochastic (Gibson + Bruck)"
Method: Stochastic (Direct method)
"Max Internal Steps": 1000000,
"Use Random Seed": false,
"Random Seed": 1,
"name": "Stochastic (Direct method)"
Method: Stochastic (τ-Leap)
"Epsilon": 0.001,
"Max Internal Steps": 10000,
"Use Random Seed": false,
"Random Seed": 1,
"name": "Stochastic (\u03c4-Leap)"
Method: Stochastic (Adaptive SSA/τ-Leap)
"Epsilon": 0.03,
"Max Internal Steps": 1000000,
"Use Random Seed": false,
"Random Seed": 1,
"name": "Stochastic (Adaptive SSA/\u03c4-Leap)"
Method: Hybrid (Runge-Kutta)
"Max Internal Steps": 1000000,
"Lower Limit": 800.0,
"Upper Limit": 1000.0,
"Partitioning Interval": 1,
"Use Random Seed": false,
"Random Seed": 1,
"Runge Kutta Stepsize": 0.001,
"name": "Hybrid (Runge-Kutta)"
Method: Hybrid (LSODA)
"Max Internal Steps": 1000000,
"Lower Limit": 800.0,
"Upper Limit": 1000.0,
"Partitioning Interval": 1,
"Use Random Seed": false,
"Random Seed": 1,
"Integrate Reduced Model": false,
"Relative Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-12,
"Max Internal Step Size": 0.0,
"name": "Hybrid (LSODA)"
Method: Hybrid (RK-45)
"Max Internal Steps": 100000,
"Relative Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-09,
"Partitioning Strategy": "User specified Partition",
"Use Random Seed": false,
"Random Seed": 1,
"name": "Hybrid (RK-45)"
Method: SDE Solver (RI5)
"Internal Steps Size": 0.0001,
"Max Internal Steps": 10000,
"Force Physical Correctness": true,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Tolerance for Root Finder": 1e-06,
"name": "SDE Solver (RI5)"
Valid Methods
Scan Framework
"Subtask": 1,
"Subtask Output": "subTaskDuring",
"Adjust initial conditions": false,
"Continue on Error": false
Method: Scan Framework
"name": "Scan Framework"
Elementary Flux Modes
Valid Methods
EFM Algorithm
Method: EFM Algorithm
"name": "EFM Algorithm"
Valid Methods
Current Solution Statistics
Differential Evolution
Evolution Strategy (SRES)
Evolutionary Programming
Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm SR
Hooke & Jeeves
Levenberg - Marquardt
Nelder - Mead
Particle Swarm
Random Search
Scatter Search
Simulated Annealing
Steepest Descent
Truncated Newton
"Subtask": "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Steady-State]",
"Maximize": false,
"Randomize Start Values": false,
"Calculate Statistics": true
Method: Current Solution Statistics
"name": "Current Solution Statistics"
Method: Differential Evolution
"Number of Generations": 2000,
"Population Size": 10,
"name": "Differential Evolution"
Method: Evolution Strategy (SRES)
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"Pf": 0.475,
"name": "Evolution Strategy (SRES)"
Method: Evolutionary Programming
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"name": "Evolutionary Programming"
Method: Genetic Algorithm
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"name": "Genetic Algorithm"
Method: Genetic Algorithm SR
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"Pf": 0.475,
"name": "Genetic Algorithm SR"
Method: Hooke & Jeeves
"Iteration Limit": 50,
"Tolerance": 1e-05,
"Rho": 0.2,
"name": "Hooke & Jeeves"
Method: Levenberg - Marquardt
"Iteration Limit": 2000,
"Tolerance": 1e-06,
"name": "Levenberg - Marquardt"
Method: Nelder - Mead
"Iteration Limit": 200,
"Tolerance": 1e-05,
"Scale": 10.0,
"name": "Nelder - Mead"
Method: Particle Swarm
"Iteration Limit": 2000,
"Swarm Size": 50,
"Std. Deviation": 1e-06,
"name": "Particle Swarm"
Method: Praxis
"Tolerance": 1e-05,
"name": "Praxis"
Method: Random Search
"Number of Iterations": 100000,
"name": "Random Search"
Method: Scatter Search
"Number of Iterations": 200,
"name": "Scatter Search"
Method: Simulated Annealing
"Start Temperature": 1.0,
"Cooling Factor": 0.85,
"Tolerance": 1e-06,
"name": "Simulated Annealing"
Method: Steepest Descent
"Iteration Limit": 100,
"Tolerance": 1e-06,
"name": "Steepest Descent"
Method: Truncated Newton
"name": "Truncated Newton"
Parameter Estimation
Valid Methods
Current Solution Statistics
Differential Evolution
Evolution Strategy (SRES)
Evolutionary Programming
Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm SR
Hooke & Jeeves
Levenberg - Marquardt
Nelder - Mead
Particle Swarm
Random Search
Scatter Search
Simulated Annealing
Steepest Descent
Truncated Newton
"Maximize": false,
"Randomize Start Values": false,
"Calculate Statistics": true,
"Steady-State": "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Steady-State]",
"Time-Course": "CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Time-Course]",
"Create Parameter Sets": false,
"Use Time Sens": false,
"Time-Sens": ""
Method: Current Solution Statistics
"name": "Current Solution Statistics"
Method: Differential Evolution
"Number of Generations": 2000,
"Population Size": 10,
"name": "Differential Evolution"
Method: Evolution Strategy (SRES)
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"Pf": 0.475,
"name": "Evolution Strategy (SRES)"
Method: Evolutionary Programming
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"name": "Evolutionary Programming"
Method: Genetic Algorithm
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"name": "Genetic Algorithm"
Method: Genetic Algorithm SR
"Number of Generations": 200,
"Population Size": 20,
"Pf": 0.475,
"name": "Genetic Algorithm SR"
Method: Hooke & Jeeves
"Iteration Limit": 50,
"Tolerance": 1e-05,
"Rho": 0.2,
"name": "Hooke & Jeeves"
Method: Levenberg - Marquardt
"Iteration Limit": 2000,
"Tolerance": 1e-06,
"name": "Levenberg - Marquardt"
Method: NL2SOL
"Iteration Limit": 2000,
"name": "NL2SOL"
Method: Nelder - Mead
"Iteration Limit": 200,
"Tolerance": 1e-05,
"Scale": 10.0,
"name": "Nelder - Mead"
Method: Particle Swarm
"Iteration Limit": 2000,
"Swarm Size": 50,
"Std. Deviation": 1e-06,
"name": "Particle Swarm"
Method: Praxis
"Tolerance": 1e-05,
"name": "Praxis"
Method: Random Search
"Number of Iterations": 100000,
"name": "Random Search"
Method: Scatter Search
"Number of Iterations": 200,
"name": "Scatter Search"
Method: Simulated Annealing
"Start Temperature": 1.0,
"Cooling Factor": 0.85,
"Tolerance": 1e-06,
"name": "Simulated Annealing"
Method: Steepest Descent
"Iteration Limit": 100,
"Tolerance": 1e-06,
"name": "Steepest Descent"
Method: Truncated Newton
"name": "Truncated Newton"
Metabolic Control Analysis
Valid Methods
MCA Method (Reder)
Method: MCA Method (Reder)
"Modulation Factor": 1e-09,
"Use Reder": true,
"Use Smallbone": true,
"name": "MCA Method (Reder)"
Lyapunov Exponents
Valid Methods
Wolf Method
"ExponentNumber": 3,
"DivergenceRequested": true,
"TransientTime": 0.0
Method: Wolf Method
"Orthonormalization Interval": 1.0,
"Overall time": 1000.0,
"Relative Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-12,
"Max Internal Steps": 10000,
"name": "Wolf Method"
Time Scale Separation Analysis
Valid Methods
ILDM (LSODA,Deuflhard)
ILDM (LSODA,Modified)
"StepNumber": 100,
"StepSize": 0.01,
"Duration": 1.0,
"TimeSeriesRequested": true,
"OutputStartTime": 0.0
Method: ILDM (LSODA,Deuflhard)
"Deuflhard Tolerance": 0.0001,
"name": "ILDM (LSODA,Deuflhard)"
Method: ILDM (LSODA,Modified)
"Deuflhard Tolerance": 0.0001,
"name": "ILDM (LSODA,Modified)"
Method: CSP (LSODA)
"Integrate Reduced Model": true,
"Ratio of Modes Separation": 0.9,
"Maximum Relative Error": 0.001,
"Maximum Absolute Error": 1e-06,
"Refinement Iterations Number": 1000,
"name": "CSP (LSODA)"
Valid Methods
Sensitivities Method
"SubtaskType": 1
Method: Sensitivities Method
"Delta factor": 0.001,
"Delta minimum": 1e-12,
"name": "Sensitivities Method"
Valid Methods
Householder Reduction
Method: Householder Reduction
"name": "Householder Reduction"
Cross Section
Valid Methods
Deterministic (LSODA)
"AutomaticStepSize": false,
"StepNumber": 100,
"StepSize": 0.01,
"Duration": 1.0,
"TimeSeriesRequested": true,
"OutputStartTime": 0.0,
"Output Event": false,
"Start in Steady State": false,
"Use Values": false,
"Values": "",
"LimitCrossings": false,
"NumCrossingsLimit": 0,
"LimitOutTime": false,
"LimitOutCrossings": false,
"PositiveDirection": true,
"NumOutCrossingsLimit": 0,
"LimitUntilConvergence": false,
"ConvergenceTolerance": 1e-06,
"Threshold": 0.0,
"DelayOutputUntilConvergence": false,
"OutputConvergenceTolerance": 1e-06,
"SingleVariable": ""
Method: Deterministic (LSODA)
"Integrate Reduced Model": false,
"Relative Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-12,
"Max Internal Steps": 100000,
"Max Internal Step Size": 0.0,
"name": "Deterministic (LSODA)"
Linear Noise Approximation
Valid Methods
Linear Noise Approximation
Method: Linear Noise Approximation
"name": "Linear Noise Approximation"
Time-Course Sensitivities
Valid Methods
LSODA Sensitivities
"AutomaticStepSize": false,
"StepNumber": 100,
"StepSize": 0.01,
"Duration": 1.0,
"TimeSeriesRequested": true,
"OutputStartTime": 0.0,
"Output Event": false,
"Start in Steady State": false,
"Use Values": false,
"Values": ""
Method: LSODA Sensitivities
"Integrate Reduced Model": false,
"Relative Tolerance": 1e-06,
"Absolute Tolerance": 1e-12,
"Max Internal Steps": 10000,
"Max Internal Step Size": 0.0,
"name": "LSODA Sensitivities"
[ ]: