Parameter Estimation

This document describes how to use BasiCO for paramter estimation tasks. This document assumes, that the parameter estimation task was already set up using COPASI. Look for another example, to set up a parameter estimation task directly from basiCO.

We start as normal:

import sys
if '../..' not in sys.path:

from basico import *
%matplotlib inline

Now we load an example model, that already has paramter estimation set up:

dm = load_example('LM')

with get_fit_parameters we can look at the paramters, that will be estimated, along with their bounds, and a list of experiments they apply to. If that list is empty, the parameter applies to all experiment, otherwise only the one mentioned.

lower upper start affected cn
(R1).k2 1e-6 1e6 1.0 [] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...
(R2).k1 1e-6 1e6 1.0 [] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.1 [Experiment_1] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.1 [Experiment_3] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.1 [Experiment] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.1 [Experiment_4] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.1 [Experiment_2] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...

Now lets see how well the current fit is:

lower upper sol affected
(R1).k2 1e-6 1e6 0.000002 []
(R2).k1 1e-6 1e6 44.661715 []
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.043018 [Experiment_1]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.054167 [Experiment_3]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 -0.050941 [Experiment]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.045922 [Experiment_4]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.048025 [Experiment_2]

if ever you wanted to get the solution of the last run, you can execute get_parameters_solution

lower upper sol affected
(R1).k2 1e-6 1e6 0.000002 []
(R2).k1 1e-6 1e6 44.661715 []
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.043018 [Experiment_1]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.054167 [Experiment_3]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 -0.050941 [Experiment]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.045922 [Experiment_4]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.048025 [Experiment_2]

the experimental data can be obtained like so:

data = get_experiment_data_from_model()
[S]_0 Time Values[signal]
0 0.31623 0.3 0.08568
1 0.31623 0.6 0.12849
2 0.31623 0.9 0.16599
3 0.31623 1.2 0.19788
4 0.31623 1.5 0.22046
... ... ... ...
95 0.31623 28.8 0.27933
96 0.31623 29.1 0.28938
97 0.31623 29.4 0.28208
98 0.31623 29.7 0.25544
99 0.31623 30.0 0.29552

100 rows × 3 columns


or to get a specific data set you can get it directly from the name:

df = get_data_from_experiment('Experiment')
df.plot(kind='scatter', x='Time', y="Values[signal]");

you can also look directly at the mapping, of the data. in this independent will mean that it is an initial value that is different in this experiment. dependent is the mapping to a model variable such as the transient concentration or a transient value of a model parameter.

type mapping cn
0 independent [S]_0 CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...
1 time
2 dependent Values[signal] CN=Root,Model=Kinetics of a Michaelian enzyme...

you can also plot the current fit, by running:


now lets combine it, by actyally running the parameter estimation (here using the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm)

run_parameter_estimation(method='Levenberg - Marquardt', update_model=True)
lower upper sol affected
(R1).k2 1e-6 1e6 0.000002 []
(R2).k1 1e-6 1e6 44.729444 []
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.043013 [Experiment_1]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.054212 [Experiment_3]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 -0.050942 [Experiment]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.040968 [Experiment_4]
Values[offset] -0.2 0.4 0.047976 [Experiment_2]

A first predefined plot function creates one plot for each defined dependent variable, containing all experiments in which it appears.


a second predefined plot function created one plot for each experiment, including all contained dependent values:


you also get all the data sets returned, so you can plot them yourself howerver you like

exp, sim = get_simulation_results()
experiment_names = get_experiment_names()
for i in range(len(exp)):
    ax = exp[i].plot.scatter(x='Time', y='Values[signal]')
    sim[i].reset_index().plot(x='Time', y='Values[signal]', ax=ax)