Simulating with custom results

In this example, we’ll load a model, and simulate it, fine tuning the simulation results returned. We start as usual:

from basico import *

lets load a model, i’ll choose a model from the BioModels Database:

compartment type unit initial_concentration initial_particle_number initial_expression expression concentration particle_number rate particle_number_rate key sbml_id
ATP compartment reactions mmol/l 2.00 1.204428e+21 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_1 at
Triose_Gly3Phos_DHAP compartment reactions mmol/l 0.60 3.613284e+20 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_3 s3
Acetaldehyde compartment reactions mmol/l 0.08 4.817713e+19 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_7 s6
NAD compartment reactions mmol/l 0.60 3.613284e+20 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_4 na
Pyruvate compartment reactions mmol/l 8.00 4.817713e+21 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_6 s5
Glucose compartment reactions mmol/l 1.00 6.022141e+20 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_0 s1
extracellular acetaldehyde compartment reactions mmol/l 0.02 1.204428e+19 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_8 s6o
3PG compartment reactions mmol/l 0.70 4.215499e+20 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_5 s4
F16P compartment reactions mmol/l 5.00 3.011070e+21 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 Metabolite_2 s2
scheme flux particle_flux function key sbml_id
v1 Glucose + 2 * ATP = F16P 0.0 0.0 Function for v1 Reaction_0 v1
v2 F16P = 2 * Triose_Gly3Phos_DHAP 0.0 0.0 Function for v2 Reaction_1 v2
v3 Triose_Gly3Phos_DHAP + NAD = 3PG + ATP 0.0 0.0 Function for v3 Reaction_2 v3
v4 3PG = Pyruvate + ATP 0.0 0.0 Function for v4 Reaction_3 v4
v5 Pyruvate = Acetaldehyde 0.0 0.0 Function for v5 Reaction_4 v5
v7 ATP = 0.0 0.0 Function for v7 Reaction_5 v7
v8 Triose_Gly3Phos_DHAP = NAD 0.0 0.0 Function for v8 Reaction_6 v8
v9 "extracellular acetaldehyde" = 0.0 0.0 Function for v9 Reaction_7 v9
v10 Acetaldehyde = 0.1 * "extracellular acetaldehyde" 0.0 0.0 Function for v10 Reaction_8 v10
v6 Acetaldehyde = NAD 0.0 0.0 Function for v6 Reaction_9 v6
v0 = Glucose 0.0 0.0 Constant flux (reversible) Reaction_10 v0



Custom Selection list

Sometimes you just want to select certain elements, for which you want to select the output. This can be done using run_time_course_with_output, where the first element is an array of display names, for which you’d like to collect the output

run_time_course_with_output(['Time', '[ATP]', 'ATP.Rate', '(v1).Flux'], duration=1)
Time [ATP] ATP.Rate (v1).Flux
0 0.00 2.000000 23.471501 64.705882
1 0.01 2.103916 23.471501 52.477019
2 0.02 2.127439 23.471501 50.238184
3 0.03 2.147108 23.471501 49.133261
4 0.04 2.172374 23.471501 48.222173
... ... ... ... ...
96 0.96 0.700117 23.471501 58.593102
97 0.97 1.226780 23.471501 40.493568
98 0.98 1.833802 23.471501 29.080133
99 0.99 2.349971 23.471501 24.298749
100 1.00 2.708829 23.471501 23.269926

101 rows × 4 columns

as you see just, as with run_time_course a pandas dataframe is returned, the only difference is, that the index column is not automatically set to the time column (as you might not want to collect time!).

run_time_course_with_output(['Time', '[ATP]', 'ATP.Rate', '(v1).Flux'], duration=1).set_index('Time').plot()

The other difference, hen using this method is, that the selection is not automatically saved to COPASI, so when you prepare a model and run it later in the COPASI UI, the output selection is not persisted. You would have to create plot elements or reports for that.

Custom Time Points

Some times you might only want to return values at certain times, this is possible as well (with either run_time_course and run_time_course_with_output, adding the ‘values’ argument:

run_time_course(values=[0, 1, 2, 4])
ATP Triose_Gly3Phos_DHAP Acetaldehyde NAD Pyruvate Glucose extracellular acetaldehyde 3PG F16P
0.0 2.000000 0.600000 0.080000 0.600000 8.000000 1.000000 0.020000 0.700000 5.000000
1.0 2.708848 0.593576 0.074087 0.579888 8.415963 0.856600 0.023069 0.672236 5.160410
2.0 3.001586 0.574146 0.078183 0.620547 8.217482 1.290106 0.024351 0.848794 4.759722
4.0 2.923411 0.508574 0.080717 0.645962 8.019722 1.851914 0.025662 0.903727 4.376452
run_time_course_with_output(['Time', '[ATP]', 'ATP.Rate'], values=[0, 1, 2, 4])
Time [ATP] ATP.Rate
0 0.0 2.000000 23.471501
1 1.0 2.708848 23.471501
2 2.0 3.001586 23.471501
3 4.0 2.923411 23.471501

For expert users

For some elements, we do not have an easy mapping between object and display names, to help around that issue run_time_course_with_output allows the use of CN’s as well. Though of course they are quite error prone and not as nice to read!

    values=[0, 1, 2, 4])
Time Glucose.ParticleNumber Compartments[compartment].Volume
0 0.0 6.022141e+20 1.0
1 1.0 5.158565e+20 1.0
2 2.0 7.769203e+20 1.0
3 4.0 1.115249e+21 1.0
[ ]: